When you contribute material to this website you license it to PBN for any non-profit purpose. That license gives PBN a lasting, worldwide, and royalty-free right to use your material and sublicense them to other contributors. PBN has the right to use any idea, knowledge, or technique in your material in any way. You cannot terminate that right. You also agree to give up the right to bring a claim against PBN for misuse or other violation of ownership rights in your materials. If you do not own the materials you contribute, you agree that the original owner gives us this same right. You keep any other rights you have in your material.
PBN may use and change your materials, in any way, at any time, in any medium, and in any part of the world. PBN also has the right to delete, edit, or refuse to post any material you submit without your permission for any reason.
Other users of this website may use your materials, link to your materials, and repost your materials on this website according to these Terms. They may develop new materials or templates based on your original materials. Other users do not have the right to copy, share, or change your original materials at this website without your permission.
You may contribute information to existing material on our site that you use to create new material that you may download, store, and print for your personal use. That new material is your work product, which you use at your own risk, and PBN is not liable for its use.
When you submit material to PBN, we will:
- Identify you as the source of any material you submit,
- Delete any of your materials at your request, and
- Act as your agent if we make your materials available to other users of this.
If requested, PBN may sometimes be able to give you usage information about your contributed materials.